Home " Auctions " Михайло Красник «Вітрила. Футуризм», 2015

Lot №27

Mykhailo Krasnyk

«Windows. Futurism»


canvas, oil
87x100 cm

Artwork Description

Mykhailo Krasnyk (1959) is a Ukrainian painter and graphic artist, one of the founders of semiotic abstraction in Ukrainian art. He creates his alphabet of "picturesque vibration" and disassembles the surrounding world into small elements and textures. For this, he uses the techniques of assemblage and tactile painting and creates unique graphics using blind embossing, stamps, and appliqué. Since the beginning of the 2000s, the artist has focused on metaphysical landscapes and their supremacist versions. The artist's works were presented at more than 300 international and all-Ukrainian exhibitions. He had personal exhibitions in Germany, Poland, the Netherlands, and Ukraine. His works are in 80 museums and galleries around the world.


The idea of ​​deconstruction is embedded in The work "Vitryla. Futurism". The artist works with the category of memory, the imprint of time. There are no people in this picture, but it is about them, their feelings, a reflection of their worldview. The artist breaks down the familiar marine landscape into geometric figures and reduces them to a sign symbol. Seeks to convey rapid movement and energy. What happens on the canvas is one moment, a remembrance that will never happen again, remaining only an imprint of our memory.
